We at Rainbow energy system are based in Nagpur, Maharashtra (India) providing consultancy services in the area of green building design
- Estimate various loads (heating, hot water, cooling, lighting)
- Estimation of Solar Radiation
- Conceptual Design of system
- Passive and Active Heating/Cooling Systems, and Hot water system
- Photovoltaic System
- Economic Analysis and load balancing
- Design of a Power System with Storage
- Selection the type of solar power system (PV, Solar Thermal Power)
Selection of the type of solar collectors
(for PV – C-Si, Poly Si, Thin Film etc.;
For Thermal Power – Flat Plate, PTC, Dish etc.)
- Conceptual Design, Field layout, Balance of the system for building
- Design of a Photocatalytic Water Treatment System
- Comfortable houses that require minimal mechanical heating/cooling
- Materials to enhance thermal performance of building
- Efficient and controllable fans
- Proper design for lighting and ventilation
- Appropriately sized and programmable ACs
- Efficient appliances and fittings
- Energy management system that is Easily understood, utilised and accepted by occupants and minimise and manage electrical loads & optimise PV generation and utilisation on site whilst avoiding network issues
- Wind mill and bio gas system design
- Min Idealized Energy Required to maintain thermal comfort
- Produced by Dynamic Energy Building Simulation Model
- Independent of HVAC systems etc Simulated Metric
- HVAC system dependent energy quantification